Ver contexto
Al frente de la sección del segundo mes estaba Doday, el ajojita —Miclot era jefe de ella—; tenía veinticuatro mil hombres. (I Crónicas 27, 4) © Sagrada Biblia (Conferencia Episcopal Española, 2011)

BHSEk - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced; KJV versification)



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H5921] [] [1624p]
[על] [GES5848] [BDB6471] [HAL6395]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4256] [h.da.ak] [669d]
[מחלקת] [GES4180] [BDB4662] [HAL4585]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H2320] [] [613b]
[חדש] [GES2261] [BDB2522] [HAL2522]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: adjective
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8145] [] [2421b]
[שני] [GES8095] [BDB8907] [HAL8847]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1737] []
[דודי] [GES1636] [BDB1857] [HAL1866]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: adjective
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H266] []
[אחוחי] [GES260] [BDB278] [HAL289]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4256] [h.da.ak] [669d]
[מחלקת] [GES4180] [BDB4662] [HAL4585]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4732] []
[מקלות] [GES4648] [BDB5192] [HAL5089]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H5057] [] [1289b]
[נגיד] [GES4968] [BDB5555] [HAL5441]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H5921] [] [1624p]
[על] [GES5848] [BDB6471] [HAL6395]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4256] [h.da.ak] [669d]
[מחלקת] [GES4180] [BDB4662] [HAL4585]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H6242] [] [1711e]
[עשרים] [GES6157] [BDB6810] [HAL6741]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H702] [] [2106a]
[ארבע] [GES685] [BDB729] [HAL753]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H505] [a.dt.aa] [109a]
[אלף] [GES486] [BDB512] [HAL533]

King James Version (KJVO) (1611)

Chapter XXVII.

1 The twelue Captaines, for euery seuerall moneth. 16 The Princes of the twelue Tribes. 23 The numbring of the people is hindered. 25 Dauids seuerall Officers.
1 Nowe the children of Israel after their number, to wit, the chiefe fathers and captaines of thousands and hundreds, and their officers that serued the king in any

[Officers appointed for the King.]

matter of the courses, which came in, and went out moneth by moneth, throughout all the moneths of the yeare, of euery course were twentie and foure thousand.
2 Ouer the first course for the first moneth was Iashobeam the sonne of Zabdiel, and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
3 Of the children of Perez, was the chiefe of all the captaines of the host, for the first moneth.
4 And ouer the course of the second moneth was [ Or, Dodo, 2Sa_23:9 .] Dodai an Ahohite, and of his course was Mikloth also the ruler: In his course likewise were twentie and foure thousand.
5 The third captaine of the host for the third month was Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada a [ Or, principall officer.] chiefe priest, and in his course were twenty and foure thousand.
6 This is that Benaiah, who was [ 2Sa_23:20 ; 2Sa_23:22-23 ; 1Ch_11:24 .] mightie among the thirtie, and aboue the thirty: and in his course was Amizabad his sonne.
7 The fourth captaine for the fourth moneth was Asahel the brother of Ioab, and Zebadiah his sonne after him: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
8 The fifth captaine for the fifth moneth, was Shamhuth the Izrahite: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
9 The sixt captaine for the sixt moneth, was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
10 The seuenth captaine for the seuenth moneth was Helez the Pelonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
11 The eighth captaine for the eighth moneth, was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zarhites: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
12 The ninth captaine for the ninth moneth, was Abiezer the Anetothite, of the Beniamites: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
13 The tenth captaine for the tenth moneth, was Maharai the Netophathite, of the Zarhites: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
14 The eleuenth captaine for the eleuenth moneth was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his course were twenty and foure thousand.

[Officers for the Kings seruice.]

15 The twelfth captaine for the twelfth moneth, was [ Or, Heled, 1Ch_11:30 .] Heldai the Netophathite, of Othniel: and in his course were twentie and foure thousand.
16 Furthermore, ouer the tribes of Israel: The Ruler of the Reubenites was Eliezer the sonne of Zichri: of the Simeonites, Shephatiah the sonne of Maachah.
17 Of the Leuites: Hashabiah the sonne of Kemuel; of the Aaronites, Zadok.
18 Of Iudah, Elihu, one of the brethren of Dauid: of Issachar, Omri the sonne of Michael.
19 Of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah: of Naphtali, Ierimoth the sonne of Azriel.
20 Of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea the sonne of Azazziah: of the halfe tribe of Manasseh, Ioel the sonne of Pedaiah.
21 Of the halfe tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo the sonne of Zechariah: of Beniamin, Iaasiel the son of Abner.
22 Of Dan, Azariel the sonne of Ieroham. These were the princes of the tribes of Israel.
23 But Dauid tooke not the number of them from twentie yeeres olde and vnder: because the Lord had said, hee would increase Israel like to the starres of the heauens.
24 Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah began to number, [ 1Ch_21:7 ; 2Sa_24:5 , etc.] but he finished not, because there fell wrath for it against Israel, neither [ Hebrew: ascended.] was the number put in the account of the Chronicles of King Dauid.
25 And ouer the Kings treasures, was Azmaueth the sonne of Adiel: and ouer the store-houses in the fields, in the cities, and in the villages, and in the castles, was Iehonathan the sonne of Uzziah.
26 And ouer them that did the worke of the field, for tillage of the ground, was Ezri the sonne of Chelub.
27 And ouer the Uineyards, was Shimei the Ramathite: [ Hebrew: ouer that which was of the vineyards .] ouer the increase of the vineyards for the wine cellars, was Sabdi the Ziphmite.
28 And ouer the Oliue trees, and the Sycomore trees that were in the lowe plaines, was Baal-hanan the Gederite: and ouer the cellars of oyle was Ioash.
29 And ouer the herdes that fed in Sharon, was Shetrai the Sharonite: and ouer the herds that were in the valleys,

[Officers for the Kings seruice.]

was Shaphat the sonne of Adlai.
30 Ouer the camels also, was Obil the Ishmaelite: and ouer the Asses, was Iehdeiah the Meronothite.
31 And ouer the flockes, was Iaziz the Hagerite. All these were the rulers of the substance which was king Dauids.
32 Also Ionathan Dauids uncle, was a counseller, a wise man, and a [ Or, secretarie.] Scribe: and Iehiel the [ Or, Hachmonite.] sonne of Hachmoni, was with the kings sonnes.
33 And Ahitophel was the kings counseller, and Hushai the Archite, was the kings companion.
34 And after Ahitophel, was Iehoiada the sonne of Benaiah, and Abiathar: and the general of the Kings armie was Ioab.

Biblia Comentada, Profesores de Salamanca (BAC, 1965)

Los jefes del ejército (27:1-15).
l El número de los hijos de Israel que entraban en servicio de tropa para la guardia del rey, que se relevaba todos los meses del año según la distribución que de ellos se había hecho, era de veinticuatro mil cada vez; cada tropa tenía sus jefes de casas paternas, sus jefes de millar y de centena y sus oficiales al servicio del rey. 2A la cabeza de la primera división para el primer mes estaba Jasobeam, hijo de Zabdiel; mandaba una división de veinticuatro mil hombres. 3Era de los hijos de Peres y mandaba a todos los jefes de la tropa del primer mes. 4A la cabeza de la división del segundo mes estaba Dodaí, ajotita; y tenía bajo él a Miclot, que mandaba una parte de esta tropa, que era de veinticuatro mil hombres. 5 El jefe de la tercera división, la del tercer mes, era Banayas, hijo de Joyada, sacerdote, y tenía a su mando veinticuatro mil hombres. 6 Este es el Banayas que era el más valiente de los treinta y los superaba a todos. Su hijo Amisadab era uno de los jefes de su división. 7 El cuarto jefe, para las tropas del cuarto mes, era Asael, hermano de Joab; y Zabdías, su hijo, después de él. El número de sus tropas era de veinticuatro mil. 8 El quinto jefe, para el mes quinto, era Samaot, de Jezer, y su tropa era de veinticuatro mil. 9 El sexto, para el sexto mes, era Jira, hijo de Iques, de Tecua, y tenía en su tropa veinticuatro mil hombres. 10 El séptimo, para el séptimo mes, era Jeles, de Falón, de la tribu de Efraim; su tropa era de veinticuatro mil hombres. 11El octavo, para el octavo mes, era Sibcaí, de Jusat, del linaje de Zarjí, que tenía bajo él veinticuatro mil hombres. 12El noveno, para el noveno mes, era Abiezer, de Anatot, de los hijos de Benjamín, que mandaba veinticuatro mil hombres. 13El décimo, para el décimo mes, era Maraí, de Netofat, descendiente de Zarjí, y tenía bajo sí veinticuatro mil hombres. 14El undécimo, para el undécimo mes, era Banayas, de Faratón, de la tribu de Efraim; su tropa era de veinticuatro mil hombres. 15El duodécimo, para el duodécimo mes, era Joldaí, de Netofat, descendiente de Otoniel, y su tropa era de veinticuatro mil hombres.

Dividió David al ejército en doce cuerpos, al frente de cada cual puso un capitán. Cada cuerpo de ejército constaba de veinticuatro mil hombres en servicio activo por espacio de un mes, al finalizar el cual eran relevados por otros tantos.

Los jefes de las doce tribus (27:16-24).
16 Estos eran los jefes de las doce tribus: en la de Rubén, Eliezer, hijo de Zicrí; en la de Simeón, Safatías, hijo de Maacá; 17 en la de Leví, Josabías, hijo de Camuel; de los aronitas, Sadoc; 18 en la de Judá, Elihu, hermano de David; en la de Isacar, Amri, hijo de Micael; 19 en la de Zabulón, Jismaías, hijo de Abdías; en la de Neftalí, Jerimot, hijo de Azriel; 20 en la de Efraim, Oseas, hijo de Azacías; en la media tribu de Manases, Joel, hijo de Pedaya; 2l en la media tribu de Manases en Galaad, Jidom, hijo de Zacarías; en la tribu de Benjamín, Jasiel, hijo de Abner; 22 en la tribu de Dan, Ezriel, hijo de Jorojam. Estos eran los príncipes de las tribus de Israel. 23 David no quiso contar a los que estaban por debajo de los veinte años, porque Yahvé le había dicho que multiplicaría a Israel como las estrellas del cielo. 24 Joab, hijo de Sarvia, había comenzado a hacer el censo; mas no le acabó, porque esto trajo la ira sobre Israel y por eso el número de los que habían sido contados no está escrito en las crónicas de David.

No se mencionan los jefes de las tribus de Aser y de Gad; su creación recuerda las doce prefecturas de Salomón (1Re_4:7-19).

Intendentes de la casa real (1Re_27:25-31).
25 Azmavet, hijo de Adiel, tenía a su cargo el tesoro del rey; sobre los almacenes del campo, en las ciudades, en los pueblos y en las torres estaba Jonatán, hijo de Ozías. 26Ezri, hijo de Jelub, estaba sobre los obreros del campo, que labraban las tierras; 27Simeí, de Rama, sobre las viñas; Sabdí, de Sefam, sobre las bodegas; 28 Baal Anam, de Gueber, sobre los olivares y higueras, en el llano; Joás, sobre las provisiones de aceite; 29 Sitraí, de Sarón, sobre el ganado vacuno que se apacentaba en Sarón; Safat, hijo de Adlaí, sobre el ganado vacuno que se apacentaba en los valles; 30 Obid, ismaelita, sobre los camellos; Jejdía, de Moronot, sobre los asnos; 31 Jazis, agareno, sobre las ovejas. Todos éstos eran intendentes de la hacienda de David.

En esta sección David aparece como un gran terrateniente, con viñas, olivares y grandes rebaños.

Oficiales de la corte (1Re_27:32-34).
32 Jonatán, tío de David, era consejero, hombre de sentido y de saber; Jejiel, hijo de Jacmoní, era mayordomo de los hijos del rey; 33 Ajitofel era consejero del rey; Jusaí, arquita, era amigo del rey; 33 Ajitofel era consejero del rey; Jusaí, arquita, era amigo del rey; 34 además de Ajitofel, eran consejeros Joyada, hijo de Banayas, y Abiatar. Joab era el jefe supremo del ejército del rey.

Jonatán (2Sa_21:21), primo de David, era su consejero, lo mismo que Ajitofel (2Sa_15:12) y Cusaí el arquita (2Sa_15:32).

La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo (Liturgical Press, 2006),

Organización militar y civil.Este capítulo se refiere a la organización militar y civil constituida por los jefes del ejército (1-15), los jefes de tribu (16-22); los administradores de los bienes del rey (25-31), y de los siete consejeros reales (32-34). Su ubicación al final de todas las listas levíticas y sacerdotales, afirma que las funciones civiles están, de algún modo, en un segundo plano a la organización religiosa. La lista de los administradores del rey nos da un buen resumen de la economía agrícola y ganadera de la época y del sistema eficaz de tributación.

Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (1998) - referencias, notas e introducciones a los libros


[1] 1Cr_11:12


27:4 El texto añade: «y su clase, y Miclot el comandante», omitido por griego.

Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (Desclée, 1998)


[1] 1Cr_11:12


27:4 El texto añade: «y su clase, y Miclot el comandante», omitido por griego.

Dios Habla Hoy (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1996)

Dios Habla Hoy 1996 Notes:

[1] 27.4 Ahohíta: según la versión griega (LXX). Heb. añade: y su división, y el jefe era Miclot.

[2] 27.10 Paltita: según 2 S 23.26. Heb. pelonita.

[3] 27.24 2 S 24.1-15.

Biblia Textual IV (Sociedad Bíblica Iberoamericana, 1999)

ahohíta,... TM añade Miclot era el principal en esa división. Se sigue LXX → §194.

Torres Amat (1825)

[22] Sin contar las tribus de Gad y Aser. 2 Sam 24.

[33] 2 Re 16; 17.