Ver contexto
El hizo que la plata y el oro fueran en Jerusalén tan comunes como las piedras, y la madera de cedro tan abundante como los sicomoros de la Sefelá. (II Crónicas  1, 15) © Libro del Pueblo de Dios (Levoratti y Trusso, 1990)

BHSEk - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced; KJV versification)



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H5414 ] [] [1443]
[נתן] [GES5339] [BDB5941] [HAL5834]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4428 ] [] [1199a]
[מלך] [GES4346] [BDB4848] [HAL4771]


Hebrew|ʔeṯ-|[object marker]

Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H853 ] [] [186]
[את] [GES828] [BDB894] [HAL913]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3701 ] [] [1015a]
[כסף] [GES3597] [BDB4012] [HAL3977]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]


Hebrew|ʔeṯ-|[object marker]

Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H853 ] [] [186]
[את] [GES828] [BDB894] [HAL913]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H2091 ] [] [529a]
[זהב] [GES2035] [BDB2274] [HAL2291]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[b.ab.aa] [193]
[ב] [GES855] [BDB923] [HAL939]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3389 ] [] [912]
[ירושלם] [GES3274] [BDB3657] [HAL3624]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[k.ab.aa] [937]
[כ] [GES3392] [BDB3788] [HAL3764]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H68 ] [] [9]
[אבן] [GES62] [BDB70] [HAL74]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]


Hebrew|ʔˈēṯ|[object marker]

Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H853 ] [] [186]
[את] [GES828] [BDB894] [HAL913]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H730 ] [a.fq.ab] [160a]
[ארז] [GES706] [BDB755] [HAL780]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: qal

[H5414 ] [] [1443]
[נתן] [GES5339] [BDB5941] [HAL5834]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[k.ab.aa] [937]
[כ] [GES3392] [BDB3788] [HAL3764]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8256 ] [] [2455]
[שקמה] [GES8214] [BDB9043] [HAL8971]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H834 ] [a.gk.aa] [184]
[אשר] [GES812] [BDB872] [HAL890]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[b.ab.aa] [193]
[ב] [GES855] [BDB923] [HAL939]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]


Hebrew|ššᵊfēlˌā|low land

Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8219 ] [] [2445d]
[שפלה] [GES8172] [BDB8997] [HAL8930]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[l.aa.ab] [1063]
[ל] [GES3706] [BDB4135] [HAL4089]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7230 ] [] [2099c]
[רב] [GES7194] [BDB7922] [HAL7839]

King James Version (KJVO) (1611)

Chapter I.

1 The solemne offering of Solomon at Gibeon. 7 Solomons choise of wisdome is blessed by God. 13 Solomons strength and wealth.
1 And Solomon the sonne of Dauid was strengthned in his kingdome, [ 1Ki_2:46.] and the Lord his God was with him, & magnified him exceedingly.
2 Then Solomon spake vnto all Israel, to the captaines of thousands, and of hundreds, and to the Iudges, and to euery gouernour in all Israel, the chiefe of the fathers.
3 So Solomon and all the Congregation with him, went to the high place that was at [ 1Ki_3:4; 1Ch_16:39; 1Ch_21:29.] Gibeon, for there was the Tabernacle of the Congregation of God, which Moses the seruant of the Lord had made in the wildernesse.
4 [ 2Sa_6:2; 2Sa_6:17.] But the Arke of God had Dauid brought vp from Kiriath-iearim, to the place which Dauid had prepared for it: for he had pitched a tent for it at Ierusalem.
5 Moreouer [ Exo_38:1.] the brasen Altar that Bezaleel the sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur, had made, [ Or, was there.] hee put before the Tabernacle of the Lord: and Solomon and the Congregation sought vnto it.
6 And Solomon went vp thither to the brasen Altar before the Lord, which was at the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and offered a thousand burnt offerings vpon it.
7 In that night did God appeare vnto Solomon, and saide vnto him; Aske what I shall giue thee.
8 And Solomon saide vnto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy vnto Dauid my father, and hast made [ 1Ch_28:5.] me to reigne in his stead:
9 Now, O Lord God, let thy promise vnto Dauid my father be established: [ 1Ki_3:9.] for thou hast made mee King ouer a people, [ Hebrew: much as the dust of the earth.] like the dust of the earth in multitude.
10 Giue [ 1Ki_3:11-12; Num_27:17.] mee now wisedome and knowledge, that I may goe out and come in before this people. For who can iudge this thy people, that is so great?
11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast

[Preparation for the Temple.]

asked wisedome and knowledge for thy selfe, that thou mayest iudge my people, ouer whom I haue made thee King:
12 Wisedome and knowledge is granted vnto thee, and I will giue thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as [ 1Ch_29:25 ; Ecc_2:9 ; 2Ch_9:22 .] none of the kings haue had, that haue beene before thee, neither shall there any after thee haue the like.
13 Then Solomon came from his iourney to the high place that was at Gibeon, to Ierusalem, from before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and reigned ouer Israel.
14 [ 1Ki_10:26 , etc.; 1Ki_4:26 .] And Solomon gathered charets and horsemen: and hee had a thousand and foure hundred charets, and twelue thousand horsemen, which he placed in the charet-cities, and with the King at Ierusalem.
15 [ 1Ki_10:26 ; 2Ch_9:27-28 .] And the King [ Hebrew: gaue.] made siluer and gold at Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, and Cedar trees made hee as the Sycomore trees, that are in the vale for abundance.
16 [ 1Ki_10:28 ; 2Ch_9:28 .] And [ Hebrew: the going foorth of the horses which was Solomons.] Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarne: the Kings merchants receiued the linnen yarne at a price.
17 And they fetcht vp and brought foorth out of Egypt, a charet for sixe hundred shekels of siluer, and an horse for an hundred and fiftie: and so brought they out horses for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, [ Hebrew: by their hand.] by their meanes.

Biblia Comentada, Profesores de Salamanca (BAC, 1965)

1. Historia del Reinado de Salomón (c.1-9).

Salomón al santuario de Gabaón (1:1-6).
1 Salomón, hijo de David, se afirmó en su reino; Yahvé, su Dios, estaba con él y le engrandeció sobremanera. 2 Salomón convocó a todo Israel, a los jefes de millares y centenas, a los jueces, a los príncipes de todo Israel, a los jefes de las casas paternas; 3 y fue Salomón con toda la asamblea al alto de Gabaón, donde estaba el tabernáculo del testimonio de Dios, que Moisés, siervo de Yahvé, había hecho en el desierto. 4 El arca de Dios había sido ya trasladada por David, de Quiriat-Jearim al lugar que él la había preparado, pues había alzado para ella una tienda en Jerusalén. 5Allí estaba también ante el tabernáculo de Yahvé el altar de bronce que había hecho Besabel, hijo de Uri, hijo de Jur. 6 Salomón y la asamblea adoraron a Yahvé, y Salomón ofreció allí, en el altar de bronce, que estaba ante el tabernáculo del testimonio, mil holocaustos a Yahvé.

Con algunas diferencias sensibles, este relato nos ha sido retransmitido por 1Re_3:4-15. Salomón da carácter nacional a esta peregrinación al lugar alto de Gabaón (1Cr_16:39-42; 1Cr_21:29). Al autor le parecen justificados estos sacrificios fuera de Jerusalén, ya que también en Gabaón estaba presente Dios. Los sacrificios llevólos a cabo por mediación de Sadoc y otros sacerdotes. Había en Gabaón el altar de bronce y el tabernáculo del testimonio (1Cr_9:21; 1Cr_23:32); el autor relaciona el culto del templo con las instituciones mosaicas del éxodo (Cazelles).

Salomón pide y recibe la sabiduría (1Cr_1:7-12).
7 Durante la noche aparecióse Dios a Salomón y le dijo: Pide que quieres que te dé; 8y Salomón respondió a Dios: Tú hiciste con David, mi padre, gran misericordia, y a mí me has hecho reinar en su lugar. 9Ahora, pues, ¡oh Yahvé! cumple tu palabra a David, mi padre, ya que me has hecho rey de un pueblo numeroso como el polvo de la tierra. 10Dame la sabiduría y el entendimiento, para que pueda conducir a este pueblo; porque ¿quién podrá gobernar a este tu gran pueblo? 11Dios dijo a Salomón: Pues que esto es lo que más deseas, y no me has pedido riquezas, hacienda o gloria, ni la vida de tus enemigos, ni muchedumbre de días, sino que me has pedido la sabiduría y el entendimiento para gobernar a mi pueblo, cuyo rey te he hecho, 12la sabiduría y el entendimiento te doy; pero te daré también riquezas, hacienda y gloria tales como no las tuvieron nunca los reyes que te han precedido, ni las tendrán los que te sucedan.

Entre las promesas hechas a Salomón no figura la de concederle larga vida en premio de sus virtudes (Deu_5:33; Deu_17:20).

Poderío de Salomón (Deu_1:13-18 = 1Re_10:26-29).
13 Tornóse Salomón a Jerusalén desde el alto de Gabaón desde el tabernáculo del testimonio, y reinó sobre Israel. 14 Salomón juntó carros y caballos; tuvo mil cuatrocientos carros y doce mil jinetes, que distribuyó entre las ciudades donde tenía los carros, y en Jerusalén, cerca del rey. 15 Hizo la plata y el oro en Jerusalén tan comunes como las piedras, y los cedros tan numerosos como los sicómoros, que se dan con abundancia en los campos. 16 De Musri traía Salomón los caballos. Iban a buscarlos a Musri y Coa mercaderes del rey, que los compraban allí a un precio determinado. 17 Un tiro de cuatro caballos costaba seiscientos siclos de plata, y un caballo, ciento cincuenta, y los compraban también para todos los reyes de los jéteos y para los de Siria. 18 Resolvió, pues, Salomón edificar una casa al nombre de Yahvé y un palacio real para sí.

Pasa por alto el autor todo cuanto puede perjudicar el buen nombre del rey: omite las intrigas de Adonías (1 Re 1-2).

Sagrada Biblia (Conferencia Episcopal Española, 2011)

*1 Con el sumario de 2Cr 1:1 el autor omite los problemas de la sucesión. La visita privada de Salomón a Gabaón (1Re 3:4) se transforma en peregrinación solemne de todo Israel. Un santuario local (1Re 3:2) adquiere un relieve especial porque en él se encuentran dos instituciones mosaicas: la Tienda del Encuentro y el altar de bronce. El sumario de 2Cr 1:14-17, repetición de 1Re 10:26-29, tiene valor de cumplimiento de la promesa divina.

Nuevo Comentario Bíblico Siglo XXI (Editorial Mundo Hispano, 2019)

Salomón prospera en el mundo. La noticia de las relaciones diplomáticas y comerciales de Salomón con otras naciones aparece cerca del fin de su reino en Rey. (1 Rey. 10:26-29); se ha puesto cerca del principio aquí como un elemento del establecimiento de su poderío, antes de que comen zara su obra principal, el templo. También establece el carácter de su reino como uno de descanso, en el cual las hostilidades han sido sustituidas por comercio, y la guerra por la paz. Estos contrastes con el reinado de David ayudan a poner a Salomón junto a su padre formando las dos partes del rey ideal.

Reina Valera (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1960)

Y acumuló el rey plata y oro en Jerusalén como piedras,e y cedro como cabrahigos de la Sefela en abundancia.

e Deu 17:17.

Dios Habla Hoy (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1996)

Dios Habla Hoy 1996 Notes:

[1] 1.4 2 S 6.1-17; 1 Cr 13.5-14; 15.25--16.1.

[2] 1.5 Ex 36.8-38.

[3] 1.13 Desde el santuario: según varias versiones antiguas. Heb. al santuario.

[4] 1.16 Musri: texto probable. Heb. Egipto.

La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo (Liturgical Press, 2006),

Riquezas de Salomón. Esta mención es una expresión de la bendición divina que aprueba el proceder del rey.

Biblia Textual IV (Sociedad Bíblica Iberoamericana, 1999)

la Sefelá... Planicie costera de Israel.

Nueva Traducción Viviente (Tyndale House, 2009)

En hebreo la Sefela.

Torres Amat (1825)

[7] 1 Re 3, 5.

[14] 1 Re 10, 26.