Ver contexto
Después hubo otra batalla en Gat. Allí, un gigante que tenía seis dedos en cada mano y en cada pie (I Crónicas 20, 6) © La Biblia (Traducción en Lenguaje Actual, SBU, 2004)

BHSEk - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced; KJV versification)



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H1961] [] [491]
[היה] [GES1888] [BDB2113] [HAL2109]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H5750] [p.bc.ab] [1576a]
[עוד] [GES5695] [BDB6301] [HAL6220]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4421] [] [1104c]
[מלחמה] [GES4338] [BDB4840] [HAL4760]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[b.ab.aa] [193]
[ב] [GES855] [BDB923] [HAL939]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1661] []
[גת] [GES1568] [BDB1774] [HAL1786]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H1961] [] [491]
[היה] [GES1888] [BDB2113] [HAL2109]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H582] [H376] [a.ep.ab] [136a]
[איש] [GES369] [BDB392] [HAL406]


Hebrew|middˈā|measured stretch

Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4060] [] [1146b]
[מדה] [GES3997] [BDB4445] [HAL4397]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H676] [r.ak.ab] [1873a]
[אצבע] [GES659] [BDB698] [HAL722]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8337] [v.bk.ab] [2336a]
[שש] [GES8297] [BDB9138] [HAL9062]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8337] [v.bk.ab] [2336a]
[שש] [GES8297] [BDB9138] [HAL9062]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H6242] [] [1711e]
[עשרים] [GES6157] [BDB6810] [HAL6741]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H702] [] [2106a]
[ארבע] [GES685] [BDB729] [HAL753]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: adverb
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1571] [] [361a]
[גם] [GES1466] [BDB1671] [HAL1690]



Part-of-speech: personal pronoun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1931] [] [480]
[הוא] [GES1856] [BDB2078] [HAL2078]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: nif‘al

[H3205] [] [867]
[ילד] [GES3096] [BDB3459] [HAL3434]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[l.aa.ab] [1063]
[ל] [GES3706] [BDB4135] [HAL4089]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7498] [H7497] [t.dv.ab]
[רפא] [GES7444] [BDB8206] [HAL8122]

King James Version (KJVO) (1611)

Chapter XX.

1 Rabbah is besieged by Ioab, spoiled by Dauid, and the people thereof tortured. 4 Three giants are slaine in three seuerall ouerthrowes of the Philistines.
1 And [ 2Sa_11:1.] it came to passe, that [ Hebrew: at the returne of the yeere.] after the yeere was expired, at the time that kings goe out to battell, Ioab led forth the power of the armie, and wasted the countrey of the children of Ammon, and came and besieged Rabbah (but Dauid taried at Ierusalem,) and Ioab smote Rabbah, and destroyed it.
2 And Dauid [ 2Sa_12:26.] tooke the crowne of their king from off his head, and found it [ Hebrew: the weight of.] to weigh a talent of gold, and there were precious stones in it, and it was set vpon Dauids head; and hee brought also exceeding much spoile out of the city.
3 And hee brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with sawes, and with harrowes of yron, and with axes: euen so dealt Dauid with all the cities of the children of Ammon. And Dauid and all the people returned to Ierusalem.
4 And it came to passe after this, [ 2Sa_21:18.] that there [ Or, continued, Hebrew: stood.] arose warre at [ Or, Gob.] Gezer with the Philistines, at which time Sibbechai the Hushathite, slew Sippai, that was of the children of [ Or, Rapha.] the giant: and they were subdued.
5 And there was warre againe with the Philistines, and Elhanan the sonne of [ Called also Iaare-ore-gim, 2Sa_21:19.] Iair, slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spearestaffe was like a weauers beame.
6 And yet againe [ 2Sa_21:20.] there was warre at Gath, where was a man [ Hebrew: a man of measure.] of great stature, whose fingers and toes were foure and twentie, sixe on each hand, and sixe on each foot. And he also was [ Hebrew: borne to the giant Or, Rapha.] the sonne of the giant.
7 But when he [ Or, reproched.] defied Israel, Ionathan the sonne of [ Called Shammah, 1Sa_16:9.] Shimea Dauids brother, slew him.

[People numbred.]

8 These were borne vnto the Giant in Gath, and they fell by the hand of Dauid, and by the hand of his seruants.

Biblia Comentada, Profesores de Salamanca (BAC, 1965)

Fin de la campaña contra los amonitas (20:1-3=2. Sam 12:28; 30-31).
1 Al año siguiente, al tiempo en que suelen los reyes salir a campaña, Joab, a la cabeza de un fuerte ejército, fue a talar la tierra de los hijos de Amón y puso sitio a Raba. David se quedó en Jerusalén. Joab se apoderó de Raba y la destruyó. 2 Quitó David la corona de Milcón de encima de su cabeza, y hallóla del peso de un talento de oro y que tenía una piedra preciosa, que fue puesta sobre la cabeza de David. Saqueó la ciudad y obtuvo de ella un gran botín. 3 Sacó de ella a los habitantes y los puso a serrar con las sierras y a los trillos y a las hoces. Lo mismo hizo con todas las ciiidades de los hijos de Amón. Volvióse luego David con todo el pueblo a Jerusalén.

No habla el texto del adulterio de David, aunque reproduce el comienzo que le sirve de preámbulo en 2Sa_11:1. Sistemáticamente silencia todo aquello que mancilla la fama y el buen nombre de David; por los mismos motivos suprime los capítulos 13-20 del 2 de Samuel.

Victorias sobre los fariseos (2Sa_20:4-8 = 2Sa_21:18-22).
4 Después de esto hubo en Guezer una batalla contra los filisteos. Entonces fue cuando Sibecai, jusatita, mató a Sipai, uno de los refaím. Los filisteos quedaron humillados. 5 También hubo otra batalla con los filisteos, en la que Eljanán, hijo de Jair, mató a un hermano de Goliat, Lajni, de Gat, que llevaba una lanza cuya asta era como un enjullo de tejedor. 6 Hubo otra batalla más en Gat, en la que se halló un hombre de alta talla que tenía seis dedos en cada mano y en cada pie, veinticuatro en todo, y que descendía también de Rafa. 7 Retó a Is rael, y Jonatán, hijo de Simea, hermano de David, le mató. 8 Estos hombres eran hijos de Rafa, de Gat, y perecieron a manos de David y sus servidores.

Nuevo Comentario Bíblico Siglo XXI (Editorial Mundo Hispano, 2019)

Las campañas filisteas. Esta sección de Israel entre las naciones hace un círculo completo al mencionar que los enemigos filisteos han sido sometidos una vez más (4; ver 18:1). El cronista tiene mucho cuidado de no decir, ni siquiera ahora, que a David se le ha dado reposo (ver sobre 17:10, y 2 Sam. 7:11); para él, eso será el privilegio de Salomón. El hermano de Goliat (5): ver sobre 2 Sam. 21:19.

La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo (Liturgical Press, 2006),

Guerra contra los filisteos. En 20,1 comienza el capítulo diciendo «Al año siguiente». De esta manera, el autor se salta el homicidio y el adulterio de David, la denuncia de Natán, la penitencia y el castigo. En cuanto a las tres guerras filisteas el Cronista sigue a 2Sa_21:18-22.

Dios Habla Hoy (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1996)

Dios Habla Hoy 1996 Notes:

No Comments at this time.

Torres Amat (1825)

[2] La palabra hebrea Melcom significa ídolo. 2 Sam 12, 30.